Allison, begin log... This is Erika Fidard, Captain of the Signal Cartel Ship Reclamation. A ship that I found waiting in my hangar on Rens only two days ago, with no transaction log to tell me who my strange benefactor is. Still, I have to admit that for an Amarr vessel, she's pretty sleek. But I digress. I woke this morning to a new ship with my preferred AI already loaded and a message that said AI couldn't display. Yet I could clearly see the light flashing for a new message. Ten minutes of hacking and what I had was a single line of Matari text. It read, 'Follow the roots.' Whatever that means. The Anathema is an Amarr vessel and so much of the history of New Eden ties back to Amarr. Maybe those are the roots? It was the only clue I had, so I set out to find more. I asked Allison to dig up relevant information on Amarr for me and listened to the reports on my way. I'll admit that I nearly came to tears, not for seeing the beauty o...
A New Player's Perspective to Eve Online